On Loss


Let us gather around you in the dark, with only the soft glow of warm, orange light held in our palms.

Come. And be not afraid of the dark, of the power it threatens. You are not alone.

Come. Let us hold you in this space. In the quiet. In the sanctity of grief. No words are necessary.

Come. Let us sit with you in the dark. Knowing a part of your pain sits within us too. That the loss of a child resonates; is felt as the loss of our own. Even if that feeling within us is but a glimpse, a mere shadow of what you are feeling, it is immense. It is heavy, it is profound.

So come. Let us bear witness to your grief, so you may not suffer alone. So we may hold you and carry some of its weight. So we may offer you solidarity. No parent should carry this pain alone.